Tuesday, November 20, 2007

OM is actually pronounced A-U-M but is considered to have 4 syllables.

1. A =manifestation, birth, awakening of consciousness.
2. U =growth of manifestation
3. M =dissolution
4. Silence(ardha Maatra) = ending, invisible vibration, awareness of the Absolute.

it is the vibration of the sound of OM that is essential to life -- the vibration of the life force energy(Prana). We are living in an ocean of vibration. Life is non-existant without energy and everything is energy. As you observe your breath, you are observing the energy of the Universe breathing you. The Bible says that God breathed Life into Adam --and Adam's soul came in on God's breath. Your breath is the exchange of your own vibrational energy with the energy of the Universe. Can you exist without breath ? You cannot exist without the constant exchange and flow of energy.

Our bodies are only containers of our breath (soul) and it is our breath that makes a body animated. A person is said to "die" when their life force energy - the last breath -- leaves the body. Our constantly changing bodies make us visible in this life -- when the prana leaves, the eternal spirit is no longer visible but still exists and has merged back into the unchanging Universe.

Which brings you back to an awareness of the Absolute - the very essence of you.
Which is OM.

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