Monday, June 15, 2009

Santosha (Contentment)

Another of the Yogic Laws from the Sutras is Contentment or Santosha. Maybe this is an important idea now that we are in a time of economic downturn.

Contentment only comes with peace of mind, but our culture promotes discontent. Advertisers feed us with images of better cars, better phones, better whatever and without it, we are bound to be unhappy. We are pushed to consume as if there was no tomorrow, instant and superficial gratifications are supposed to fullfil us and bring us happiness. And we become attached to these ideas -- if I have a Lexus, I will be important. If I have a bigger house, I will be impressive. But clinging to these external things and images are no source of happiness.

Very often, students ask if you are content, do you become complacent? This is not true as contentment is taking active responsibility for your own self, a decision to know that you are responsible for your own happiness and peace. You decide to be at peace and to not be attached, not to grasp. But being at peace, does not mean you give up your ambitions... it's how you go about it that matters.

Contentment is knowing that real happiness is inside of us, and that external things bring only temporary happiness. And you have to work at remembering this everyday.

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