Monday, December 21, 2009

Yogavani Mission - Nada yoga/yogic chant
This is lead by a very special yoga teacher and one time swami at IYI. Diksha leads nada yoga (yoga of sound) sessions every week on W. 44th St and it is well worth going. Her Meditation Den is tiny and warm and absolutely charming. I hope you will try to make it. I think the donation is $15.

Just so you know, nada yoga is the yoga of sound. It is a whole specialty of it's own. Sound is vibration and vibration is very powerful (that's why monks chant). The nada yoga chants are not as melodic as what you may be used to -- sometimes, it is pretty funny sounding, but know that the sounds are powerful and that the power of that sound is becoming part of you.

For those of you interested in advancing in your yoga practice, this is a good way to enhance, deepen and, most importantly, expand the experience of your practice.
The Meditation Den 415 W 44th Street NYC Tel 212 581-5200

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Being on time for yoga class ...!!!
OK, I have to rant. I notice more and more that people are coming late to yoga class.

Coming late to class is distracting to the other yoga students in the class and honestly, it's very annoying for the teacher. The teacher is working hard to set a healing vibration early in the class and students who come in late, snaping out their mats, walking around, etc ... have just undone all the teacher's best efforts. They also just destroyed the other 15 students effort to center themselves.

There is a yogic law of Asteya. It means non- stealing or do not take what does not belong to you. A cow's life does not belong to you, so you have no right to kill it for it's meat. And there is the concept of stealing TIME -- if you come late to appointments, you are demonstrating that other people's time is not important.... you feel entitled to steal their time. If you come late to yoga class, you are stealing the other students' peace, you are stealing away the very benefits for which they came to yoga class. They paid for this yoga class and so indirectly, you are stealing their money too.
If you come late to yoga class, you are distracting the teacher. You are redirecting the attention of the teacher to YOU -- so you are monopolizing and stealing the attention that the teacher should have been focusing on the other 10-20 students. So consider the concept of not taking what does not belong to you.

There are basic etiquette rules when you come to a yoga class:
-Come to class 15 minutes early. It allows you to roll out your mat, get yourself organized and have a few minutes of quiet time for yourself before the class starts. If the class starts at 6PM, do try to be there by 5.45PM. If you come early, I think you'll find you'll get more out of your class.

-Be Considerate and respectful of your fellow yogis : If you are new to yoga, look around the class. BE AWARE of what the other students are doing. You are NOT in this class by yourself and part of yoga is to be aware of yourself in space and in relation to others. Observe how the other students are not talking to each other, they are not reorganizing their shopping bags, they are not causing distraction. Do observe how the other students enter the room silently, are quiet, tranquil and not moving around much . Also, observe yourself -- are YOU are the last student coming into class... rushing in, stomping around, throwing your mat out, making the other students move their mats to accommodate you , rearranging your clothes, fidgeting with your hair ... ?

-Please turn off your cell phones. I am so serious about this. If I had my own studio, and someone's cell phone went off during class, I would ask them to leave my class --- FOREVER.

-Please do not wear jewelry to class. All those pretty bracelets, beads and bangles make a lot of jangling noise which is annoying to the other students and the teacher. Yoga is about finding the silence -- your bracelets are not helping us -- and yes, we can all hear you jangling!! Also, yoga is about energy flow. Jewelry holds energy. Please avoid wearing a lot of rings because you will find during asanas where your weight is on your hands (as in down dog) the rings will cause you discomfort. If you are concentrating on your rings, you cant be concentrating on perfecting your yoga.

-Please wear appropriate clothing for yoga. I am not saying you have to wear expensive yoga gear (I get mine on sale at Old Navy) -- you can come in your pyjamas as long as you can be comfortable. But I cant tell you how often students come to class wearing sweaters and sweats. Yoga makes you move, your body temperature is going to go up. Part of yoga is to sweat because it is a cleansing. If you wear sweaters etc. to yoga, you are going to be miserable.

-Please do not eat for 2 hours before class. If you are starving before class, have something light such as a yoghurt, some fruit, a handful of nuts, a small bowl of cereal or soup.

-Please be considerate of your fellow student on the next mat and do not wear perfumes. Just because you love Jungle Gardenia does not mean the person next to you does.

-And finally, be respectful. Respect your fellow classmates and the teacher. Be respectful of the ancient practice and wisdom of yoga. If you cant do that, then maybe you'll be more comfortable in a different kind of exercise class for now. You'll be back when you're ready.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I love acupuncture and I have gone to Melina many, many times for wonderful, healing treatments. If you have never tried acupuncture before, I urge you to try it as it is healing and leaves you feeling very relaxed. Acupuncture is very effective for many ailments and well recognized by Western medicine. They even have acupuncturists on staff in major hospitals now. Melina is great, sensitive, gentle and is a fully licensed acupuncturist. She only uses disposable needles (NY State law !). Her office is in Manhattan. Give her a call for more information.
Melina Bilic, M.S.,LMT.,LAc.
Healing Garden Acupuncture
Traditional Oriental Medicine
Lymphedema Management

Friday, November 20, 2009

Yoga aiming for Olympic Competition?
There is an article today in the NYTimes about how the founders of Bikram Yoga are promoting international yoga competitions and their goal is to have yoga recognized as an Olympic sport. As you might guess, this is ruffling feathers in the yoga community. Yoga is reduced to the physical. Yoga is over commodified. It's all about money. It's all a competition.....
What do you think ? Read the article here :

There is one comment by a NYT reader that I like (I paraphrase) : " my chi can kick your karma's butt !"

Leave your comment on my blog -- I would love to read your thoughts!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The FIRST animal shelter in Iran
The Middle East does not really have a concept of pets or of treating animals with respect and compassion.
Some Middle Eastern taxi and limo drivers here in NYC refuse to take passengers with dogs because it is "against their religion". ... apparently, the Koran says something like that anyone who shows kindness to a dog will not go to heaven or that God won't come to a home which shelters a dog. And it was a source of great amusement to the Middle East when there was a newspaper photo of President Clinton giving his Labrador a kiss....

Fatemeh Motamedi in Iran has figured out that God made dogs too and they deserve kindness, love and respect. She opened the FIRST animal shelter in Iran with her own money. She provides shelter, food and veterinary care. Most Iranians dont understand what she is doing -- who would care about a dog ? So she gets little support from her community.

I think Fatemeh's place in heaven is guaranteed.

check out Fatemeh's blog --
send a donation if you can. Adopt a dog if you can (yeah, I know -- it's far away -- but read Max's story at the bottom of the blog) . These dogs have had a rough life with little compassion shown to them at all. And there is just one woman in Iran trying to help them. So help Fatemeh continue to run her shelter... in any way you can.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Yoga changes everything....
Many of my students come to me because after they have been practicing a while, they notice that their lives are changing... the familiar becomes unfamiliar...and not always in the most comfortable way.
They notice that they don't enjoy their old hang outs as much, drinking the weekend away is not that much fun, they are looking at their friends differently... so then they decide to change everything !!! No more going out to parties, no more friends who smoke or eat meat, no more this no more that... now the only thing is to hang out with other yogis, go to India, seek out yoga teachers and wise Gurus and do "spiritual" stuff. They become official "seekers".

So they think if they do all this practice, go to satsang, go to kirtan, buy an OM bracelet, they will become more spiritual, more enlightened. And this can go on for a few months or for years before they get sick of it.

Then what? Then the student has to find the courage to stop seeking. The student hopefully reaches the realization that everything is within themselves. That yoga is all about recognizing yourself -- it's not about a guru, a $95 yoga mat, a sacred mountain. There comes a time when you have to surrender to yoga and to yourself. Then the student sees that chasing the externals is useless...then the student is no longer on the spiritual path, the student finally becomes the path.

Just do yoga.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Asteya = Non stealing

One of the yoga laws is non-stealing.  It doesnt just mean dont steal somebody's wallet.  As in all things yoga, it has a much more subtle meaning:

Being a non- vegetarian is stealing. That fish or chicken or cow or mink had a life to which it was entitled to live without interference. If you kill the animal to eat it, you are stealing it's life. If you force a chicken to live in a factory cage so it can produce eggs for you, then you are stealing it's quality of life. If you use an animal for testing cosmetics, medicine  or laundry detergent, you are stealing it's life and inflicting great prolonged suffering. If you wear fur coats, you are literally stealing not just the skin off that mink's back and inflicting pain and misery, but stealing his right to having a life as well.  These animals are sentient beings and their lives are not yours to take and it is selfish arrogance to think otherwise.

It is said that a civilization can be judged by how they treat their animals. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Here is an interesting article from today's NYTimes on how the brain deals with stress --- giving you all the more reason to do yoga !!

I love the quote at the end by novelist Ellen Glasgow : “The only difference between a rut and a grave are the dimensions.”

Monday, June 15, 2009

The GoodGuide to find "green" products..
Ever wonder what is in your body lotion ? Or your dishwashing liquid ? Well , the folks at GoodGuide have analyzed all the chemicals in our everyday products and set forth a list of what's really good for you and what is not.

Did you know that some sunscreens can have chemicals in them that alter your hormonal system ? and then when you go swimming, it washes off and contaminates the waters, which then contaminates the fish ....

Santosha (Contentment)

Another of the Yogic Laws from the Sutras is Contentment or Santosha. Maybe this is an important idea now that we are in a time of economic downturn.

Contentment only comes with peace of mind, but our culture promotes discontent. Advertisers feed us with images of better cars, better phones, better whatever and without it, we are bound to be unhappy. We are pushed to consume as if there was no tomorrow, instant and superficial gratifications are supposed to fullfil us and bring us happiness. And we become attached to these ideas -- if I have a Lexus, I will be important. If I have a bigger house, I will be impressive. But clinging to these external things and images are no source of happiness.

Very often, students ask if you are content, do you become complacent? This is not true as contentment is taking active responsibility for your own self, a decision to know that you are responsible for your own happiness and peace. You decide to be at peace and to not be attached, not to grasp. But being at peace, does not mean you give up your ambitions... it's how you go about it that matters.

Contentment is knowing that real happiness is inside of us, and that external things bring only temporary happiness. And you have to work at remembering this everyday.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Do yoga at home with Rodney Yee 
Gaiam and Rodney Yee have joined together and they have this fabulous 12 week series of yoga classes online !  They charge you $65 and if you dont like it, they will refund you pro-rata ($20 min).  I think it's great.  NO more excuses.  You can do Yoga at home, on vacation.... anywhere !

I have done a teacher's workshop with Rodney Yee and he is a great teacher.   I hope you try it out.
Check this out !!

: ) 

Friday, June 05, 2009

Satsang at home...

Gaia now has the Gaia Illumination University online. For $4 a week, you can participate with 15 week courses on spirituality from the comfort of your home (or anywhere). They have many well known guest speakers. I believe there is a free trial too so you can try it out before spending any money. Here is the web site :
"Wherever the mind wanders, restless and diffuse in its search for satisfaction without, lead it within; train it to rest in the Self."
Source: The Bhagavad-Gita: 6:26

Vegetarian cooking ...
I just found this website ! Mollie Katzen wrote the famous and best selling Enchanted Broccoli Forest cookbook a looong time ago and I just found her website and it has tons of free veggie recipes ! Take a look for yourself and try the Vegetable of the Month special recipes with Asparagus. Ahimsa. OM

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Vegetarian Food in the Village 
I just started eating at this tiny veggie salad bar place by NYU - and it is fabulous !! It is suitable for veggies, vegans, raw foodies... and I swear that every bite I take there makes me feel better.  I dont know if it's imbued with incredible vibes or if it's just that delicious.  I think the people who own it are Korean so there are lots of yummy Korean dishes.  You can get fresh juices there too if you ask the cashier.  

Try it out --it's a tiny salad bar type place and super casual.   I think they have 3 tables.

Temple in the Village  74 West 3rd Street NYC 

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Pets die at the groomers...
Warning to pet owners : This apparently is becoming a problem -- pet groomers are enclosing animals in "drying machines" and leaving them unattended. Unfortuneately, I keep hearing about pets that die in these machines from extreme heat. This is completely uneccessary and insanely cruel. If you take your dog to be groomed, voice your concern loudly about this to the groomer -- and tell your friends. This should never be allowed to happen EVER .
Check out this NBC TV link :

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cell phone numbers have gone public and Telemarketers can now call you on your cell phone unless you have registered your number with the National DO NOT CALL Registry.
Call 888-382-1222 from your cell phone to block your number for five years. You must call from the cell phone number you want blocked. You cannot call from a different phone. Effective 1 month from when you call.

Monday, January 12, 2009

New Teaching Time In March
Seems that Integral Yoga is switching class schedules around and in March, my class will be on Fridays at 6.15pm up in the newly redecorated room on the 6th Floor (Heaven).

There is a possibility that my class will also be listed officially as a 2 hour class !! Keep your fingers crossed.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Oriental Medicine
Interested in acupunture, massage or using Chinese herbs ? I found out that the Pacific College for Oriental Medicine offers all these services (and more) at reduced rates if you are willing to consult with their interns ($42 for acupunture, $53 for massage...).
They have an herbal pharmacy too.
915 Broadway NYC - 3rd Floor. Call 212 982 4600 for more info.

PS: Animals can benefit from acupuncture too. In this photo, a dog is getting treated for arthritis.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Yoga for depression
Certain yoga poses can help diffuse anxiety and depression and it gives you an alternative to the pharmaceutical cure. And for those of you with spine problems, yoga can help you with that too.

Yoga Union Center for Backcare & Scoliosis, 32 W 28th St - 4th Floor NYC
(Broadway /Sixth Ave) 212-532-1512. 9am–noon, $50. Registration required.