Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Yoga changes everything....
Many of my students come to me because after they have been practicing a while, they notice that their lives are changing... the familiar becomes unfamiliar...and not always in the most comfortable way.
They notice that they don't enjoy their old hang outs as much, drinking the weekend away is not that much fun, they are looking at their friends differently... so then they decide to change everything !!! No more going out to parties, no more friends who smoke or eat meat, no more this no more that... now the only thing is to hang out with other yogis, go to India, seek out yoga teachers and wise Gurus and do "spiritual" stuff. They become official "seekers".

So they think if they do all this practice, go to satsang, go to kirtan, buy an OM bracelet, they will become more spiritual, more enlightened. And this can go on for a few months or for years before they get sick of it.

Then what? Then the student has to find the courage to stop seeking. The student hopefully reaches the realization that everything is within themselves. That yoga is all about recognizing yourself -- it's not about a guru, a $95 yoga mat, a sacred mountain. There comes a time when you have to surrender to yoga and to yourself. Then the student sees that chasing the externals is useless...then the student is no longer on the spiritual path, the student finally becomes the path.

Just do yoga.

1 comment:

marĂ­lia said...

Could not agree more!