Wednesday, January 17, 2007

"When you change the way you look at things, things change"

Well, Kristina and I were chatting on our way up to the ashram over the weekend and our conversation drifted over to how easy/difficult it is to change your head and how you perceive something is so important.

So I told her this story about how many years ago I was traveling through Oklahoma or somewhere and I had a tan and long hair. I stopped off at a small place because I wanted to buy a sandwich. I walked up to the counter and ordered, but from behind me I heard a man say "We dont serve squaws in here". I had never seen or met a "real Indian" so I was thrilled !

I turned around to see the squaw -- I was sure she was beautiful and had long hair and that she was going to be wearing all this great turquoise jewelry (ok, I guess I was expecting Cher) and I was hoping maybe she would invite me to check out her teepee..... but there was nobody there. I was a little confused. Where is this squaw?

Finally, it dawned on me that the man was referring to ME !! So here we are --- in this guy's head, I'm a squaw and undesireable. In my head, I'm looking for the beautiful Indian woman and excited to meet her. All of that negative energy and positive energy flying around over the same thing --- our perceptions were completely opposite to one another.

And none of it was true. There was no squaw there. But it was a clear demonstration of how the way you look at things makes so much of a difference.

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