Saturday, January 27, 2007

"Don't run after anything. The only place to 'run' is within. All the philosophies, all the religions, sages, the saints, prophets, all unanimously say 'Know yourself.' You are yourself happy; you are yourself peaceful. Find the peace within you. Don't try to get it from outside. If you do, it's just a borrowed peace, a borrowed happiness.

So, look within. That's why the English term for God is spelled G-O-D. What does the name 'GOD' say? It's short for 'GO' and what else?: 'D.' It's short for GO DEEP! Not 'go out.' In the Tamil language of South India, God's name is 'Kadavul.' It breaks down to mean: 'Kada,' get, and 'vul,' within. Get within.

God bless you. Om Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi."

Shri Swami Satchitananda
Founder of Integral Yoga Institute NYC

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